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Algorithm Competition: Overview | Instructions | Registration | Registrants

Component Competition: Overview | Instructions | Registration | Registrants | Results

Component Competition Instructions

To be able to compete in the competition, you must be a University of Belgrade student or a University of Belgrade faculty member.

In order to compete, you must:
  1. Register as a TopCoder member
  2. Register for this TopCoder College Tour event

Getting Started in a Component Competition

At a high level, the process is simple - in a design competition, you convert a set of requirements into a set of diagrams and a component specification document, and in a development competition, you convert a component design into a functional component. When you have submitted your work, a three-member review board will review everything and give you feedback. You are given an opportunity to review their feedback and submit appeals. After the appeals, TopCoder Software compares scores of all submissions and determines the winning submission. If your submission wins, you implement the changes detailed in the feedback from the review board and submit the changes for the final review. This is the last step of the process - once your changes are approved, you are done!

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