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SRM 141
Thursday, April 10, 2003

Match summary

SnapDragon brought his A game to this match, beating everyone by over 200 points. Most people were able to get the first two problems, but dynamic programming is always a little tricky, and after solving the first two problems, few people had time to finish the third. sjelkjd also showed why he made it to the CC finals, taking second overall, helped largely by his 4 successful challenges. Over in Division 2, first timer dary also won by over 200 points, with three fast submissions, and a challenge.

The Problems

StatementCounter  discuss it
Used as: Division II - Level 1:
Value 250
Submission Rate 212/227 (93.39%)
Success Rate 195/212 (91.98%)
High Score Ceranith for 249.20 points

Once your realize what the problem is asking for, it is pretty trivial. All you have to do is count the number of semicolons in a String[] (vector <string>). So, its just two nested loops, and then a check to see if a character is a semicolon.

PrioritySort  discuss it
Used as: Division II - Level 2:
Value 500
Submission Rate 108/227 (47.58%)
Success Rate 47/108 (43.52%)
High Score Sabu for 464.99 points

This problem was a little bit tricky if you didn't know the sorting functions in your language of choice. The simplest way to do it was to write a comparator function and then use Arrays.sort() in Java or stable_sort() in C++. Your comparator method can be made pretty simple, since all of the numbers are exactly one character. This causes the ith number in the string to be character 2*i. So, you could just loop through all the elements of priorities, and compare the appropriate characters - no tokenizing required.

Widget  discuss it
Used as: Division-II, Level 3:
Value 1000
Submission Rate 37 / 227 (16.30%)
Success Rate 28 / 37 (75.68%)
High Score dary for 782.05 points

Used as: Division-I, Level 2:
Value 500
Submission Rate 93 / 127 (73.23%)
Success Rate 79 / 93 (84.95%)
High Score ZorbaTHut for 468.58 points

Widget layout can be a pretty complicated problem, especially when you have widths that are percentages, and you want all of the coordinates to be relative to the window size. However, this problem simplified widget layout be forcing all of the lines to be either in absolute positions, or else offset an absolute amount from another line. Also, since there were no dependency loops, a straight recursive approach allowed you to easily find the coordinates of the edges in question. If the edge is relative to another edge, then recursively find the position of that edge, and then add the offset, to get the position for the edge you want. If the position of an edge is not relative to any other edge, then you are done, and can just return the position. Using this approach, you can easily find the location of any edge. The last thing you have to do is a little error checking. First, go through all vertical and horizontal edges, and make sure they are not at negative positions. Last, find the coordinates of the widget, and make sure that the right is to the right of left, and the top is above bottom. If everything checks out, just return the location of the widget.

Bounce  discuss it
Used as: Division I - Level 1:
Value 250
Submission Rate 118/127 (92.91%)
Success Rate 103/118 (87.29%)
High Score Yarin for 236.85 points

This problem required you to do a little bit of physics, and to determine at what integral speed a bouncing ball would be above a certain height after traveling a certain distance. The obvious thing to do is to loop through every speed, starting at 1. You then have to determine the amount of time the ball will take to reach the other building, at each speed (time = distance / velocity). If the time is less than 5, there is no way that the ball will bounce before getting to the other building, and you should return -1. Next, since the ball first bounces after 5 seconds, subtract 5 from the time. Now, the ball bounces every 10 seconds, so take the remaining time modulo 10. This gives us the amount of time the ball has been in the air after the last bounce. We then plug this into the formula given in the problem statement (Y = 50*b +g*b*b/2), and if Y is greater than height, return the current speed.

LazyGuitar  discuss it
Used as: Division I - Level 3:
Value 1000
Submission Rate 19/127 (14.96%)
Success Rate 10/19 (52.63%)
High Score SnapDragon for 715.61 points

SnapDragon showed why he is the highest rated TopCoder by destroying the competition on this problem. The first thing that should always pop into your mind when you see a problem like this is Dynamic Programming. We clearly can't try all possible sequences of positions, so we must come up with some recurrence about how the cumulative cost after playing a chord in a particular position depends on the costs of the previous chord. If you are experienced with dynamic programming, you shouldn't have too much trouble seeing that:

if(chord i can be played in position j)
  cost(i,j) = min over k(cost(i-1,k)+abs(j-k)+(1 if j!=k))
  cost(i,j) = infinity

Where cost(i,j) represents the cost of playing i+1 chords, and ending up in position j. Since we can start in any position, when i = 0, we have cost(0,j) = 0 if chord 0 is playable in position j, and cost (0,j) = infinity otherwise. The recurrence is pretty easy to implement, and all that we have left to do is write a function to determine if a chord can be played in a given position. At first glance, it seems that a greedy approach to assigning notes would work, but then you have the open notes, which make things tricky. Since there are only 6 strings, the simplest way to determine if a chord is playable is probably just to try all possible assignments of notes to strings. 6! is pretty small, so timeout shouldn't be an issue. Then, all you have to do is figure out what to return. Since you can end in any position, you want to return the minimum cost for any position to have played all chords. If this value is infinity, return -1.
One noteworthy thing to watch for is that there are only 24 frets. So, if position is 23, you can only use frets 23 and 24. It turns out that there is no reason to ever be in a position above 21.

By lbackstrom
TopCoder Member