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Who needs another UI framework?
Unorthodox UI Framework

Wednesday, January 22, 2003
By the_gigi,TopCoder Member


The time is 1999. The internet hype is high and we were out to conquer the world. The killer app was a chat-on-page service that allows users who surf the web to see who else is on the same page and interact with them. The architecture was a classic client-server. The client had to be magnificent of course to capture the hearts and souls of the billions of users. A strategic decision we made was that one of our competitive advantages will be a user interface that has never been seen before.

Who needs another UI framework?

Well, we did. The requirements were pretty exotic:

  • Non-rectangular windows and controls
  • Double Buffering
  • Object-oriented programming model
  • Programming model that decouples UI from application logic
  • Windows target platform

I evaluated a few toolkits and frameworks including raw GDI, MFC and FLTK and found all of them unsatisfactory. I didn't evaluate Qt and it looks like a pretty good match in hindsight, but then you wouldn't have read this article.

Let's tackle the issues one by one:

No-rectangular windows and controls - this could be achieved with the Region APIs. No framework/toolkit supports them in a satisfactory way (MFC just provides a wrapper class)

Double-buffering - doesn't work for toolkits that allocate HWND for each control or use common controls

Object-oriented programming model - several toolkits (MFC and FLTK)

Programming model that decouples UI from application logic - only FLTK sort of supports it, but still it locks you into its own event loop

So we decided to roll our own UI framework.

Win32 basic concepts

Before we dive into the framework itself let's get everybody up to speed on some basic Win32 concepts.Windows is based on the concept of a window. Window is a visual rectangular (most of the time) area on the desktop. The user interacts with a window via the mouse and keyboard and the operating system interacts with the window via system calls.

Windows, WNDCLASS, HWND and window procedure
Each window has a window class which determines its class name and its behavior. When creating a window the creator must specify it's window class. A handle of type HWND identifies the window. When the window gets a message it is dispatched by the operating system to its window procedure, which is typically a huge switch statement where each case handles a specific message.

Messages, message queues and message loop
All the communication between programs, users and windows is done via messages. A Win32 application receives all the messages through the main message loop which dispatches the message to the appropriate window. Messages are kept in a queue and the application extracts all the currently waiting messages and handles them, then it relinquishes control to the operating system and enters an efficient wait state until more messages are available.

The Control hierarchy

I had some experience of component-based development but no major OO project experience. Now, UI frameworks are a classic application to the OO paradigm. Deep class hierarchies are bad for your health for multiple reasons and I discovered it the hard way. Initially, consider the following basic hierarchy:

Control, Container, Resizable, Scrollable, WinControl, TopLevelWindow. You could derive concrete controls such as a Button from any level at the hierarchy and it became a mess very quickly. Finally, I settled down on the following compressed hierarchy:

Control, WinControl, TopLevelWindow


Control is a visual object on the screen. Controls have a bounding rectangle, know how to draw themselves, how to respond to mouse and keyboard events and can also be hidden and disabled. The operating system knows nothing about Controls and the framework is responsible to orchestrate the interaction with the operating system. Control also implements the Composite design pattern. This means that each Control may contain other controls in a recursive manner. Control makes sure that it's contained controls draw themselves after it draws itself, arranges their size and position when it's own size is changed (according to a specific layout scheme) and propagate mouse and keyboard events to them.


WinControl is a control that wraps an HWND. The WinControl is responsible for controlling the behavior of it's HWND and how it responds to various window messages. There are two kinds of WinControls :

* Native WinControl - The window class is pre-registered like RichEdit which provides the window proc

* Custom WinControl - The window class is custom-made and the control provides the window proc


TopLevelWindow is a WinControl that has no parent HWND. TopLevelWindows may have some unique properties like user-resizable and dragging that separate them from regular WinControls.

Atomic Controls

The atomic controls are the building blocks with which every other custom control should be composed of. These controls access the GDI sub-system directly and therefore are the portability border of the framework (together with WinControl and TopLevelWindow). Every other control is implemented in terms of these controls or other composite controls and consume framework events only (as opposed to windows messages).


ImageControl encapsulates the concept of an image with a non-rectangular region. The image control may be stretched so its image occupies it's entire area. ImageControl supplies two stretching modes (Stretch and Tile). In both ways the image is cut into 9 rectangular areas. The 4 corners are copied to the stretched image and the other 5 parts are stretched according to the stretch mode. This prevents pixelation of the corners.


TextControl encapsulates the functionality of displaying text in a specific font, size and color on the screen. It's a very simple control that uses the ::DrawText() API to draw its text on the screen.

Composition Vs. Inheritance

Most UI frameworks embrace inheritance as a way to customize controls. You derive your custom control from a pre-existing control, override a few virtual methods and that's it. There are many problems with this programming model. It promotes deep class hierarchies, the computation is broken between multiple layers, and each layer must be aware of other layers. Derived classes must conform to assumptions made by base classes such as calling base class methods at various times. Changes to base classes tend to break the behavior of derived classes, which implicitly depended on some base class behavior.

An alternative solution, which is very effective, is to use composition of pre-existing controls. The idea is that composing existing controls using the generic containment mechanism creates custom controls. The application-specific logic that manipulates the UI controls resides in a separate class that intercepts events from the controls. This sounds very abstract so let's examine a simple example. Suppose you want to create a list of items with a remove button. The desired behavior is this:

* The remove button is enabled if, and only if, some items are selected in the list.

* When the remove button is clicked, the selected items are removed from the list.

So, how do we go about it? The UI is made from a generic Control that contains a ListControl and a ButtonControl. The look and feel of this UI (size, background and foreground color, font, relative location of controls) can be configured in a generic way. The application-specific behavior is relegated to an interaction manager, which is an application class. This class is responsible for populating the list, enabling/disabling the remove button according to the number of items in the list and for removing selected items when the remove button is clicked. In order to perform all these tasks, this class intercepts events from the UI such as OnSelect from the ListControl and OnClick from the ButtonControl. Note that the interaction manager shouldn't create and configure the look and feel of the UI. All it needs is for someone (some higher level application factory) to pass it pointers to the list and the remove button. This someone should also register the interaction manager as the sink of events from the button and the list. The interaction manager implements the event interfaces of the list and the button. The result is a completely decoupled UI code and application code. This arrangement allows extreme flexibility such as adding a background image or small icons to the list without any change to the code or adding additional functionality (e.g. help button) merely by adding a new interaction manager for the help button - the original interaction manager is not even aware of the existence of this help button.

Event Propagation

Handling OS Events

UI frameworks by their nature use event-driven programming models. The most important events are the paint, mouse and keyboard events. The paint events notify the framework that a portion of the screen must be repainted (e.g. when the user drags a window around the screen), the mouse events notify the framework about mouse movements and button press/release, the keyboard events notify the framework about (you guessed it) key presses and releases. In Windows, the OS generates these events in response to user actions and puts them in the message queue of the appropriate application. There are several concepts such as keyboard focus and mouse capture that control who gets what messages. If you remember, our framework implements its controls independently of the OS. This means that if you created a button control and placed it on a top-level-window and then the user clicked this button, the event in the form of a WM_LBUTTONDOWN Windows message will arrive to the top-level window. However, this event should go to the button. This process involves two phases. In the first phase, Windows messages such as WM_LBUTTONDOWN are converted to an internal representation (e.g. HandleLeftMouseDown). This phase is performed by WinControl, which implements a standard window procedure, intercepts all the relevant messages and forwards them as internal framework events to its Control base class. This is where the second phase kicks in. The instance of Control that handles the event through HandleLeftMouseDown is the top-level-window Control instance. This instance contains all the controls on this window and specifically the button. It checks the mouse coordinates and if the coordinates fall inside some child control, it forwards the event to this control by calling its HandleLeftMouseDown. This process continues recursively. If there are no children under the mouse coordinates, the control executes its mouse down handling logic. The base class Control just ignores it; the ButtonControl class changes its state, its appearance and also notifies its sink about this event (more about this in the next section). The same principles apply to other events too.

Let's examine another important event - the WM_PAINT event. Windows specifies what part of the window should be repainted as a rectangle. There are some intricacies, such as previously invalidated portions of the screen that I will skip because they don't contribute to the discussion, but you had better not skip them if you are implementing a custom drawing application. The framework intercepts the message (via WinControl's window procedure) and passes it to the Control class through the HandleDraw() method. The implementation is pretty convoluted but the idea is this: allocate an offscreen memory buffer, tell each child control whose bounding region (NOT rectangle) that intersects the invalidated region to draw itself onto this buffer, and copy the buffer to the screen. The result is efficient, flicker-free draw. Each Control recursively calls its own Draw() method and then recursively calls the HandleDraw() method of its children.

Framework Notification Events

In the previous section, I discussed propagating OS events to specific framework controls, but there is another type of events. The framework controls generate their own events that should be directed to interested parties which are either other controls that collaborate through events or application objects that are interested in the state of the UI (interaction managers). This is much simpler than handling OS events since no external elements are involved. Each control defines an events interface and accepts a sink object that implements this interface upon creation. When some event occurs, the control notifies its sink. Let's take the TabControl as an example. This control maintains a list of pages that occupy the same area on the screen and only one of them is displayed (the active page) at any given moment. The user can "tab" through the pages by clicking the tab headers with the mouse or using the arrow keys. The TabControl is responsible for hiding and showing the various pages, but it also notifies the application that the active page has changed. This is useful if the application saves the last UI session in some persistent storage (registry, configuration file). The application object will implement the event interface of the TabControl by deriving from ITabControlEvents interface and will implement the OnPageChange() method. The application factory will pass a pointer to this object to the TabControl (as ITabControlEvents, the actual type is irrelevant). The TabControl will call its sink's OnPageChange() method when the user selects a different tab. The application object will note this fact and upon application exit will store it, so on the next invocation of the application the UI state can be restored (at least the active tab page).

Resizing and Layout Management

A control's position is specified as pixels from the top-left corner of its container. Suppose that we have a control that should be positioned 10 pixels from the right side of its host WinControl. Well, it's not extremely difficult to subtract some numbers and get the position in terms of pixels from the top-left corner. However, if the container is ever resized, the position must be recalculated. This applies to horizontal and vertical position separately and similarly if you want to stretch the control to cover its container or some portion of it. One way to do it is to implement an OnSize() method in interaction manager for every control that contains other controls and perform all the calculations. This is a tedious and error-prone maintenance nightmare, especially with complex GUIs that contain tens of nested controls. The framework can help here with the LayoutInfo structure that defines exactly how they should behave when their container control is resized. The LayoutInfo struct allows pretty sophisticated definitions like positioning in a fixed distance from another control, positioning using ratios (e.g. 30%) or centering. Also stretching may be defined as fixed difference from the size of a reference control or as a percentage. All these settings may be applied separately in the horizontal and vertical dimensions.

The big advantage is that this dynamic behavior can be specified at initialization time, preferably by reading some external configuration file, and should not burden the application developer.


This article describes a UI framework based on design principles that promote modularity, information hiding, ease of use and layered approach in order to conquer complexity. It introduces several design patterns that could be used in broader scopes than UI programming such as interface-based event propagation and single point of creation. It is implemented on top of the Win32 GDI primitives but there are only a few well-encapsulated classes that actually access the Win32 API. Most of the framework is implemented in terms of itself. The framework explicitly deviates from some traditional UI programming models such as extension by overriding virtual methods and the venerable MVC design pattern.

By the_gigi
TopCoder Member
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