Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

This event is to design a component that can be used to obtain a generic “user profile” from a variety of sources.  This component should define an appropriate API/Interface (using the Strategy design pattern) so that the actual implementation of how to obtain the user profile can be implemented and “plugged into” this component.

The actual content of the user profile is out of scope of this event, just an Interface is returned as the user profile.  This outcome of this event is a Java-based framework that provides functionality based on an interface that concrete implementations for obtaining user profiles will implement.


UserProfileRetriever interface is defined to get UserProfile by user id or user handle.

UserProfileManager is a composite implementation of the UserProfileRetriever. It aggregates a list of user profile retrievers, and it delegates to the retrievers to find user profile in order, for the first retriever that can find out user profile, the found user profile is used as result. It performs logging using pluggable LoggingService.

Final Submission Guidelines



2013 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30032711