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2003 TopCoder Collegiate Challenge
Round 1 - W and MW Regional

Thursday, February 20, 2003


The first round for the students in the W/MW regions was maybe a little easier than for those competing two days ago. The medium and the hard problem had low acceptance rate; the medium had several potential traps and special cases that you could fall in, and the hard involved geometry, a topic that can scare any TopCoder. Luckily the easy problem was easier, and since all that mattered was getting a positive score to advance to the next round (due to the low number of competitors), you only had to solve this one to be safe. bigg_nate got the top score, an impressive 1415.93 points, more than 200 points ahead of the runner-up.

The Problems

FleasFleas  discuss it
Used as: Level 1:
Submission Rate136 / 154 (88.31%)
Success Rate116 / 136 (85.29%)
High Scoremalpt for 246.22 points

Reference implementation: malpt (room 11)


This problem, which is recursive in description, can easily be solved with a recursive approach. Let f(n,k) be the total number of fleas. Of the n fleas, k are infested with n more fleas of which k-5 are infested etc. So the general case is f(n,k)=n+k*f(n,k-5). The terminal case if when k<=0 in which f(n,k)=n (none of the n fleas are infested, so we have n fleas).

It remains to deal with the overflow. If the function ever wants to return a number greater than 10 million or -1, we return -1. We must make sure not to calculate n+k*f(n,k-5) right away - first we must check if f(n,k-5) is -1, then we can calculate n+k*f(n,k-5).

LongestRun  discuss it
Used as: Level 2:
Submission Rate83 / 154 (53.90%)
Success Rate31 / 83 (37.35%)
High Scorebigg_nate for 405.00 points

Reference implementation: Yarin (practice room)


This problem can be divided into two steps: either the longest run is in one string only, or it is in a concatenation of strings. The first case is trivial, we simply loop through all strings, and for each string we loop through all characters. If a character is the same as the previous character, we increase a counter with 1; otherwise we reset it to 1. The best result found over all strings is stored in some variable.

If the longest run is in the concatenation of several strings, it will be in the following format:

start-string intermediate-string intermediate-string ... stop-string

Clearly the intermediate strings can only be strings containing only one character, namely the last character of start-string and the first character of stop-string (these two characters must of course also be the same). We can now brute-force search for the start-string and stop-string with the following algorithm (pseudo-code):

loop through all possible start-strings
  loop through all possible stop-strings
    if start-string and stop-string are different
      if last char in start-string is the same as first char in stop-string
        let c=last char in start-string
        let count=number of c characters at the end of start-string +
           number of c characters at the beginning of stop-string
        loop through all remaining strings
          if string only contains letter c
            count=count+string length
          end if
        end loop
        if count is greater than best found so far
          update best
        end if
      end if
    end if
  end loop
end loop

Tether  discuss it
Used as: Level 3:
Submission Rate28 / 154 (18.18%)
Success Rate8 / 28 (28.57%)
High Scorebigg_nate for 780.13 points

Reference implementation: dmwright (room 9)


This problem reduces to the following geometry problem: given a circle and two points, of which one point lies on the circle, calculate the shortest distance between them under the constraints that you may not "walk" (or whatever) inside the circle.

One of the points was (0,-r), where r is the radius of the circle, while the other point is x,y. Again there are two cases to consider: either the circle interferes with the shortest path, or it doesn't. In the latter case (which happens when y <= -r) it's simply the Euclidean distance between the two points, calculated using Pythagoras formula.

In the trickier case, we start at 0,-r (point A) and walk along the circle perimeter, and then at some point (call it P) continue straight ahead to x,y (point B) - see figure. Clearly we should try to walk as little as possible along the circle and as soon as possible in a straight line.

Using the notation in the picture, we see that the OPB is a right triangle - this will always be the case for the shortest path! We can now set up the following equations:

|OB| = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
|OP| = r
|BP| = sqrt(|OB|*|OB| - |OP|*|OP|)
cos(a) = |OP|/|OB|
tan(b) = x/y
t = p - a - b;
|AP| = t*r
|AB| = |AP| + |BP|

It's slightly trickier than this because you have to consider in which quadrant B is. This can be solved using atan2 instead of atan, and taking the absolute value of x (which won't affect the answer because of symmetry). For implementation details, see the reference solution.

By Yarin
TopCoder Member