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TCHS09 Online Round 2
Saturday, January 10, 2008

Match summary

Round 2 of 2009 TCHS Tournament had 334 participants, and 250 of them were to advance to the next round, so a good time on easy guaranteed advancement. The problemset was relatively easy but quite challengeable, and the challenge phase was pretty eventful this time.

The match was won by tourist, due to impressive time on all problems and 3 successfull challenges. exod40 with 5 challenges took the second place, and neal_wu came third.

The Problems

CyclicSequence rate it discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level One:
Value 250
Submission Rate 318 / 330 (96.36%)
Success Rate 280 / 318 (88.05%)
High Score niyaznigmatul for 249.28 points (1 mins 31 secs)
Average Score 221.30 (for 280 correct submissions)

Let a be a string of length m<n which generates the same sequence as s. First, it's evident that a is a prefix of s. Second, note that the sequence generated by a string of length k is periodical with a period equal to k, so if the first m*n elements of the sequences generated by strings a and s are identical, the sequences themselves are the same.

So, to find the shortest string which generates the same sequence as s, one had simply to check all prefixes of s, from the shortest to the longest, and for a prefix of length m check whether the first m*n elements of the generated sequences are the same.

Java code follows:

public class CyclicSequence {
     public String minimalCycle(String s) {
          int m;
          for (m=1; m<s.length(); m++)
          {    boolean ok=true;
               for (int i=0; i<m*s.length(); i++)
                    if (s.charAt(i%m)!=s.charAt(i%s.length()))
               if (ok)
          return s.substring(0,m);
One could also note that the length of the prefix should divide the length of the original string, check only the prefixes of such length and only the first n elements of the sequence.

TournamentWinner rate it discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Two:
Value 600
Submission Rate 168 / 330 (50.91%)
Success Rate 163 / 168 (97.02%)
High Score crazyb0y for 581.83 points (5 mins 3 secs)
Average Score 373.79 (for 163 correct submissions)

Let win[i][j] be the probability of competitor i winning against competitor j, and adv[i][k] be the probability of competitor i advancing to round k (denoting winning the tournament as "advancing to round 4"). adv[i][1] is simply 1.0, since all competitors take part in round 1. Let's calculate the values of adv[i][k] for k between 2 and 4, inclusive.

To get to round 2, competitor i must win against one opponent - player i+1 for even i or player i-1 for odd i. Note that the index of the opponent can be calculated as (i xor 1).

adv[i][2] = win[i][i xor 1] = adv[i][1] * adv[i xor 1][1] * win[i][i xor 1]
To get to round 3, competitor i must advance to round 2 and win against one of the two opponents who could have advanced to round 2 as well. Competitors 0 and 1 will play against one of the competitors 2 and 3, while competitors 4 and 5 will play against one of the competitors 6 and 7. So, for competitor i the possible opponents' indices can be calculated as (i xor 2) and (i xor 3).
adv[i][3] = adv[i][2] * (adv[i xor 2][2] * win[i][i xor 2] + adv[i xor 3][2] * win[i][i xor 3])
The pattern contunues: to get to round k, competitor i must get to round k-1 and win against one of the competitors who could have advanced to round k-1 as well. Thus, the probability of competitor i winning the tournament can be calculated as sum of (adv[i][3] * adv[i xor m][3] * win[i][i xor m]) over m between 4 and 7.

See neal_wu's solution for a clean implementation of this approach.

WizardsAppointments rate it discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Three:
Value 900
Submission Rate 154 / 330 (46.67%)
Success Rate 88 / 154 (57.14%)
High Score wcao for 889.45 points (3 mins 6 secs)
Average Score 674.95 (for 88 correct submissions)

If we replace (arrivalTimes[i] - scheduledTimes[i]) with delta[i], the problem is reduced to the following classic problem: given N points on a straight line, find the points on this line with the minimal total distance to these points.

It's easy to prove that after sorting the array delta in ascending order, the points which minimize the total distance to the points of delta are delta[(N-1)/2] for odd N or the interval of points between delta[N/2-1] and delta[N/2] for even N. The answer to the given problem is 1 for odd N and (delta[N/2]-delta[N/2-1]+1) for even N.

One could also implement a more straightforward approach, which included selecting unique points from delta, sorting them, calculating the value of total waiting time in each point, finding a point or two points which minimize the total waiting time and returning the number of points between them.

However, realizing that the wanted points will form a continuous interval with ends in delta was vital for solving this problem, since checking all integer points between minimal and maximal values of delta separately ended in time limit.

By Nickolas
TopCoder Member