Challenge Overview

Project Overview

Welcome to Project Coeus! In this project you will be creating a web application for an enterprise to help manage risks.  This application will leverage the following technologies: C# REST Services, SQL Server and Angular.js.

We have already built a working app in previous challenges, but now we need to add some admin features to the tool.

Competition Task Overview

For this challenge, we need to come up with a full design / architecture for the project covering both backend and frontend changes implement the admin related features, this includes:
- REST API and angular pages / controllers for all new admin features (see the new "Edit Fields" tab in the prototype)
- Risk Calculation (see the doc attached in the forum, this includes both the editing part for admins and actual calculation / redenering part for non-admins). You can get a mockup of the charts that should be shown for risk ratings in the forum, these charts must be color coded as described in the Risk Calculation document.
- Update existing tool to work with the admin features (for example: if admin edits some fields, it will immediately affect what the other users see in the tool)
- Please make sure implementations use the values we are using in the prototype instead of using dummy / mock test data.

Your submission should include the following:
- Design the database schema for SQL Server 2012 and provide ERD
- Design the data model and RESTful web services (including updating any existing services)
- Design the frontend HTML5 implementation (Angular.js controllers for example)
- Provide detailed assembly specs for the developers
- The design must cover all business requirements and all pages from the prototype

Technology Overview
SQL Server 2012
Windows Server / Azure
C# / .NET
RESTful services
HTTPS connectivity from the browser to the server
Active Directory

Documentation Provided

Register to download all documents from challenge forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

TCUML containing all necessary diagrams
Assembly Specifications
RESTful API Endpoint Documentation
ERD / SQL Scripts
Application Design Specification

Submission Guidelines

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30055505