Challenge Overview

Project Overview:
Welcome to Eager Properties UI Prototype Challenge! The goal of this challenge is to create the HTML5 Prototype for an application using the provided "Eager Properties" storyboards. The prototype must follow our standards and our guidelines. Review the details below.
The main task of this project is to create the HTML5 UI Prototype based on the provided Storyboard design by using industry standard best practices.

As part of this challenge you will need to document all HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript code. We need clear explanation of the code to help us figure all the HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript code functions and make it easier for future developers and the client to understand what you have built.

NOTE: This application will use AngularJS Framework (, and Bootstrap 3 ( Please follow coding standards and write clean code for AngularJS data binding instead of using plain HTML code.
Tips for Success: Asking questions early and getting Copilot or PM's feedback is very important for the success of this challenge.
Competition Task Overview:
The main task of this competition is to develop HTML5 prototype based on the provided storyboard designs. Your prototype must work properly in all the required browsers.
Required Pages:
1- Welcome Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 00-Welcome-FullView.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 00-1Welcome-Screen.jpg
 -- 00-2Welcome-Screen.jpg
 -- 00-3Welcome-Screen.jpg
 -- 00-4Welcome-Screen.jpg
 -- 00-5Welcome-Screen.jpg
- If user clicks on Login he will be redirected to login page.
 - If user clicks on Sign Up he will be redirected to sign up page.
- We have 2 sliders here, one under welcome and one under what community says.
 - We need a video here; any video for demo purpose is good.
 - Logo is image based.
 2- Login Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 01-Login.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 01-Login-Screen.jpg
- Clicking on “x” icon or outside the modal will close the modal.
- Successful login will redirect user to timeline page.
 - In Mobile clicking back arrow will show welcome page again.
 - Please show validation errors in red.
3- Sign Up Pages:
- Desktop: 
 -- 02-1SignUp.jpg
 -- 02-2-1SignUp-Age.jpg
 -- 02-2-2SignUp-Age.jpg
 -- 02-3SignUp-See.jpg
 -- 02-4SignUp-See.jpg
 -- 02-5SignUp-Share.jpg
 -- 02-6SignUp-Share.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 02-1SignUp-Screen.jpg
-- 02-2SignUp-Age.jpg
 -- 02-3SignUp-Age.jpg
-- 02-4SignUp-See.jpg
 -- 02-5SignUp-See.jpg
 -- 02-6SignUp-Share.jpg
 -- 02-7SignUp-Share.jpg
 - Clicking on “x” icon or outside the modal will close the modal. 
 - Upload profile picture will allow the user to open his device files and select a picture.
- For 02-6SignUp-Share.jpg & 02-7SignUp-Share.jpg:
-- We want to add/have a clickable link that will take them to the "What do I have to share demo", and can literally say as the link "What do I have to share?"
4- Timeline Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 03-1Timeline.jpg.
 -- 03-2NearBy.jpg
 -- 03-3Pin-Details.jpg 
 - Mobile: 
 -- 03-1TimeLine.jpg
 -- 03-2Fav-Popover.jpg
 -- 03-3NearBy.jpg
 -- 03-4Pin-Details.jpg
 -- 03-5Trending.jpg
 -- 04-3Tap-on-Search.jpg
 - In all shares we will see each item as card.
-- If the user clicks on another user's name then it should take them to their profile, and if they click on the picture or the icon in the top right of the picture it should take them to the details page 04-2Share-Details.jpg
 - User can shine shares by clicking on star icon, a popup will appear.
 - In near by you can use google maps.
 -- Clicking on an item on the map will show item details popup.
 -- Clicking on View Details will show share details page.
 - Trending content can be same as all shares content.
 - Clicking on search will show search options.
5- Share Details Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- No storyboard provided, so try to build them based on mobile version; no scoring down here for layout issues.
 - Mobile: 
 -- 04-1Share-Details.jpg
 -- 04-2Share-Details.jpg
 -- 04-3Tap-on-Search.jpg
 - Clicking on back arrow will take user to previous view.
 - User can see comments and add his own comment.
 - User can view shared item details.
6- Search Options & Results Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- No storyboard provided, so try to build them based on mobile version; no scoring down here for layout issues.
 - Mobile: 
 -- 05-1-0Search-Options.jpg
 -- 05-1-1Search-Options-Selected.jpg
 -- 05-1-2Search-Results.jpg
 -- 05-1-3Search-Results-Airbnb.jpg
 - Clicking on back arrow will take user to previous view.
 - Search results page is almost similar to timeline page.
7- Share Now Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 10-Share-Now.jpg.
 - Mobile: 
 -- 05-2Tap-on-ShareNow.jpg
 -- 06-1ShareNow.jpg
 - We need to capture the following information for each share:
 -- Title of your share.
 -- Description.
 -- Choose category.
 -- Web link.
 -- Upload image.
- We should add the link here for how to grow your sharing community: Want to grow your sharing community?"
-- The link takes them to a video.
- We need to add a popup page here that creates rapport if these 2 users have never shared with each other:
-- Here is an example from AirBnB. Please disregard the video screen addons on the top and bottom. We like the size of the text box for them to write in as well!
8- Main Menu View:
- Desktop: 
 -- Always visible on left side.
 - Mobile: 
 -- 07-1Navigation.jpg.
9- Profile Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 04-1My-Profile-MyShares.jpg
 -- 04-2My-Profile-MyBadges.jpg
 -- 04-3My-Profile-MyShines.jpg
 -- 04-4My-Profile-MyFollowers.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 08-1My-Profile.jpg
 -- 08-2My-Profile.jpg
 -- 08-3My-Profile.jpg
 -- 08-4My-Profile.jpg
 -- 08-5My-Profile.jpg
 -- 08-6Tap-on-Followers.jpg
 -- 09-1Followers.jpg
 -- 09-2Tap-on-Follower.jpg
 -- 10-1Other's-Profile.jpg
 -- 10-2Tap-on-Rating.jpg
 -- 10-3Rate-this-user.jpg
10- Big Picture Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 05-Big-Picture.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 12-1Big-Picture_Global.jpg
 -- 12-2Big-Picture_Local.jpg
11- Community Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 06-Community.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 13-1Community.jpg
 -- 13-2Community.jpg
 -- 13-3Tap-on-Message.jpg
 -- 14-1Community-Chat.jpg
 - Users can send direct messages between each other.
- We should add the link here for how to grow your sharing community: Want to grow your sharing community?"
-- The link takes them to a video.
I think that the video just described should also have a link in all of the Community pages "
12- Leaderboard Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 07-Leaderboard.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 15-1Leaderboard.jpg
13- Gift Cards Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 08-My-Gift-Cards.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 16-1My-Gift-Cards.jpg
14- How to Share Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- 09-How-to-Share.jpg
 - Mobile: 
 -- 17-1How-to-Share.jpg
15- Notifications Page:
- Desktop: 
 -- No storyboard provided, so try to build them based on mobile version; no scoring down here for layout issues.
 - Mobile: 
 -- 18-1Notifications.jpg
1- For some desktop screens there are no storyboard provided, so try to build them based on mobile version; no scoring down here for layout issues.
- You will notice that .jpg images text is different from PSD text, please use the PSD text as its edited to meet client needs.
2- Winner of this challenge will be paid $50 to do some text updates or video replacements in final fixes phase.

Specific HTML/CSS/JavaScript Requirements:
HTML/CSS Requirements:
- Your HTML code must be valid HTML5 and follow best practices
- Validate your code - reviewers may accept minor validation errors, but please comment your reason for any validation errors. Use the validators listed in the scorecard.
- Use CSS to space out objects, not clear/transparent images (GIFs or PNGs) and use proper structural CSS to layout your page. Only use table tags for tables of data/information and not for page layout.
- No inline CSS styles - all styles must be placed in an external style-sheet.
- Use semantically correct tags - use H tags for headers, etc. Use strong and em tags instead of bold and italic tags.
- Element and Attribute names should be in lowercase and use a "-" or camel naming to separate multiple-word classes (i.e.. "main-content", or "mainContent)
- Label all CSS, JavaScript, or HTML hacks with explanations so others will understand.
- Your code must render properly in all browsers listed in the scorecard in both Mac and PC environments.
JavaScript Requirements:
- All JavaScript used must not have any copyrights to any third party. You are encouraged to use your own scripts, or scripts that are free, publicly available and do not have copyright statements or author recognition requirements anywhere in the code.
- You are allowed to use JQuery (MIT License)  for this contest.
- AngularJS
- Bootstrap 3
Browsers Requirements:
- Latest Firefox, Safari, Chrome & IE Browsers.
- Latest Chrome and Safari Mobile browsers.
Documentation Provided:
- Storyboard Screens and PSD files can be found in forums.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables:
- A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the UI Prototype Competitions Tutorial.

Final Submission:
- For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30054179