Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

We are migrating the submission process to a new platform. We have already migrated design submissions, and now we are going to migrate development submissions as well.

The new submission service currently only supports zip file based submissions, and that is the first type of submission that we want to migrate.

Several things need to happen for a submission to be processed, including updating multiple tables in Informix and copying files into nfs. We need to clearly identify how the process works today in order to rebuild it in the new platform.
Today submissions are initiated from the challenge details page:{challenge id}/?type=develop And the backend functionality that executes the submission is the v2 api, which is based on node.js.

We need the steps required to successfully perform a development submission fully documented, this includes but is not limited to:
1. Validations that need to be done in the submission files or any associated metadata;
2. Which informix tables need to be updated, in which order, and what data should be set to each field;
3. Changes that need to be done to the zip files;
4. Location in which zip files are stored, and how that location is mapped to the metadata, e.g. does informix have a table with the file name? How does the download path is generated to allow downloading of the file later on?
5. Security: Authorization constraints that define who can upload a submission (e.g. is the member registered?), and when (e.g. is the submission phase open?);
6. Include code reference for code logic and configurations

About Submissions

1. You can freely use any format that can document the current process clearly, like Sequence Diagram, Word Document etc.
2. Please provide code reference, so we can easily understand the process and logic.
3. The clearness of description for the whole submission process and each specific step will be the major judgement for submissions.

Final Submission Guidelines

Document and Diagrams that describes the development submission process clearly.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30053977