XRE WebGL Receiver and Windows Native Receiver Bug Hunt

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Project Overview

XRE project includes XRE Server and XRE Client on vairous platforms / technologies.

The server hosts a set of test suites which can be used to test the client (XRE Receiver).

Competition Task Overview

The XRE Receiver will receive data from XRE server, show the content to user and send user's actions to the server.

The XRE Receiver has many implementations on vaiour platforms / technologies.

This challenge should compare the HTML5 WebGL Receiver and Windows Native Receiver.

HTML5 WebGL Receiver: https://gitlab.com/team-autobots/html5-xre-webgl Spec2.16 Branch. You can open the index.html in Chrome Browser to run the receiver.

Windows Native Receiver: See Attachment. It requires QT5.1 environment. Please check the README.txt for installtion steps.

Server IP:


Second Place Submission will get 50% winner prize.


The receiver will connect to server and receive a set of test suites.

User should select the test suite first and then select the test case to run the test.

This challenge should run all test cases in HTML5 WebGL Receiver and Windows Native Receiver, record the result and potential issues.

Submission Deliverable

Please submit a excel file.


Test Suite Number     Test Case Number        Sub-Test Number       HTML5 WebGL Result           Windows Receiver WebGL Result


Please note, the one test case could have multi sub tests because some tests support various user actions. (e.g. zoom-in, zoom-out).

The test result should include screenshot. For performance test, the test result should include the benchmark result.

Winner Selection

Client and Managers will select the winner based on the submission quality and number of reported issues.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Excel


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30051423