1. Enhanced: Enhanced to use the new Plugin API
2. Enhanced: Added pops.PopsProcessor to extract test cases
3. Deleted: b0b0b0b processor has been deleted.
*** As of version 1.20 – you must use FileEdit v2.70 or PopsEdit v2.80 or greater. CodeProcessor v1.2 will NOT work with earlier versions of those editor plugins
4. Fixed: If the processor class throws an exception, CodeProcessor will handle it graciously.
5. Fixed: If changes are made to either the processing class or embedded editor, a message is displayed asking you to close all browsers for the change to become effective
6. Added: b0b0b0b donated a processor class to extract test cases: examples.RonProc
7. Added: Pops donated a processor class to demonstrate how to: a way of detecting writer code, how to embed another processor class (RonProc) and how to use post processing to eliminate code (the main that is generated by RonProc): examples.PopsProcessor
8. Enhanced: Enhanced to allow you to specify tags to be replaced in the code templates of PopsEdit/FileEdit. This will NOT affect any processing classes that you have already developed. Please refer to the documentation for how to use this new feature.
9. Fixed: Fixed a problem when exiting PopsEdit debugger
1. Changed: Changed to also pass the problem description in the preProcess method