Student Representatives

It's that time of year again - time to start advertising for the 2006 TopCoder Collegiate Challenge, Sponsored by AOL. We want participation in the TCCC06 to reach record levels, and we need your help in order to make that happen. TopCoder wants Student Representatives for colleges and universities world wide!

What would your responsibilities be as a Student Rep?
Your sole responsibility would be to help increase the number of participants in the 2006 TopCoder Collegiate Challenge. To help you achieve that goal, TopCoder will provide you with flyers to hand out to your classmates around campus. Click here to see the flyer.

What do you get for being a Student Rep?
  1. We will send a Limited Edition 2006 TopCoder Collegiate Challenge student Rep t-shirt to each Rep who gets at least one person from his/her school to register as a TopCoder member and compete in the Qualification Round of the Algorithm Competition or submit during the Component Design & Development Competition of the TCCC06. Each person must state your handle as the reason for registering at TopCoder.
  2. The Rep who gets the most new people to register at TopCoder and compete in the TCCC06 will receive a trip to attend the onsite finals of the TCCC06 in San Diego, California, November 14 - 17, 2006. See official rules for details.
How to get started:
  1. Contact us if you're interested in advertising for TopCoder on your campus*.
  2. Include the name of the college/university you will be distributing flyers to.
  3. Include your TopCoder handle.
  4. Include your full name and postal mailing address in the e-mail. This will be the address where the flyers are sent.
*There is no limit to the amount of Reps on one campus. You don't even have to be a college/university student to participate!


