Challenge Overview

Project Overview

The client (GBG) is looking for the community to develop a monitoring system that collects data (e.g. performance metrics/statistics data) from laptop/desktop computers, and provides a cloud-hosted administrative console for admin users to query/visualize data collected in real time. Based on the statistics/metrics data, administrators may make decisions regarding new laptops, additional memory, software patches and upgrades, etc.
The system will consist of three sub-systems - the Time Series Database to receive and persist metric data, the Agent that runs on client laptop/desktop computers for collecting local data and sending to Time Series Database, and the Admin Console hosted on cloud for querying/visualizing collected data.

Competition Task Overview

This challenge is responsible for installing OpenTSDB in Linux environment and showcasing to simulate the HTTP API calls and view the performance metrics/statistics data.

Setup OpenTSDB

You are expected to follow to install the OpenTSDB in an Linux environment.

The target version to install is OpenTSDB 2.0.1, the target Linux distribution is Ubuntu


We are expecting to deliver a simple solution for windows systems, that will collect performance metrics/statistics data, you are expected to configure the OpenTSDB properly, and demonstrate the call to the OpenTSDB HTTP APIs to report the data.

You can see the Data Model in section 4 of System Design Specification Document (the architecture will be posted in forum).

It is expected to showcase reports of two different computers, so we can generate visualization report for these computer.

  1. the two different computers will be distinguished by computerId.
  2. it is expected to report different metrics related to CPU, memory and storage.
  3. For each metric, it is expected to have at least data for ten timestamp.
  4. Please write a scripts to run the calls.

The following resources may be helpful:

Statistics Report

OpenTSDB comes by a simple GUI, you can check

We'd like to define the clear steps, how to review the performance metric/statistics data about a specific computer, so later admin can monitor and decide an upgrade for this specific computer.

Technology Overview

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Clear Guide and Screenshots for installing OpenTSDB in a clean Linux Distribution.
  • Scripts to run HTTP API to simulate the calls to report performance metrics/statistics data.
  • Clear Guide to use the GUI of OpenTSDB to monitor the report of a specific computer, Please include screenshots for clearness.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30049341