Challenge Overview

Project Overview:
Welcome to the IBM - Snip Tool UI Prototype challenge! The goal of this challenge is to create an HTML5 Prototype for mobile-based application on provided storyboards for Snip Mobile Application. The prototype must follow our standards and our guidelines. Please see more details below.

The main task of this project is to create the UI Prototype based on the provided Storyboard design by re-use existing best practices look and feel also the functions of HTML5 mobile.

This UI Prototype will use Responsive Design solution that will works within Mobile Platform. You must use mobile web HTML5 best practices so it will looks good in targeted device. Read more details for UI Prototype Requirements and Flow below.

As part of this challenge you will need to document all HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript code. We need clear explanation of the code to help us figure all the HTML5/CSS3/JS code functions and make it easier for future developers and the client to understand what you have built. 

Tips for Success: Asking questions early and getting Copilot or PM's feedback is very important for the success of this challenge.

Competition Task Overview:
The main task of this competition is to develop HTML5 prototype based on the provided storyboard designs. Your prototype must work properly in all the required browsers. We're only concern about mobile browser since this app will run in mobile devices like iPhone 5+ and Android.

Required Pages:
1) Navigation:
- 02-1-menu-navigation.jpg & 02-2-selection-menu.jpg.
- Dashboard will redirect user to Dashboard page (03-1-Homepage.jpg)
- Create Snip will redirect user to Create Snip page (06-1-add-snipe-URL.jpg)
- Logout will take user back to login screen (01-1-Login-Page-View.jpg)
- You can ignore the alternative screens:
-- 02-3-navigation-alternative.jpg.
-- 02-4-selection-menu.jpg.

1) Splash Page:
- 00-Splash-screen.jpg
- The whole logo is image based.
- User opens the application and will see splash screen.
- Show splash screen for 3 seconds then redirect user to login page.

2) Login page:
- 01-1-Login-Page-View.jpg, 01-2-Hover-Button.jpg, 01-2-input-info-login.jpg & 01-4-incorrect-message.jpg.
- The whole logo is image based.
- User needs to enter their IBM credential first before able to use the app.
- If user provide wrong credential or forgot to enter one of the login fields, error screen will appear.
- When user clicks login he will be redirected to Homepage/Dashboard screen (03-1-Homepage.jpg).
- You can ignore the alternative screens:
-- 01-5-login-page-view (alternative).jpg.
-- 01-6-input-info-login (alternative).jpg.
-- 01-7-incorrect-message (alternative).jpg.

3) Home page:
- 03-1-Homepage.jpg, 03-2-Hover.jpg, 03-3-Search.jpg, 03-4-Search-Lists.jpg, 03-5-toggle-menu.jpg, 03-6-Scrolling-to-bottom.jpg & 03-7-loading-new-lists.jpg.
- This screen will be shown after login.
- User will be able to see:
-- Current Snips.
-- Transferred Snips.
-- Archived Snips.
- See hover style (03-2-Hover.jpg)
- See how search changes when on focus (03-3-Search.jpg), please mock up the functionality.
- Notice toggle menu for each snip (03-5-toggle-menu.jpg):
-- Delete Snip will remove the snip (mock up the functionality)
- Show 6 snips in each view, when you reach the bottom show loading functionality like facebook (03-7-loading-new-lists.jpg)
- If user clicks on Snip he will be redirected to snip detail page (04-1-Snipe-Detail.jpg).
- When user clicks on (+) icon at the top he will be redirected to create new snip page (06-1-add-snipe-URL.jpg).

4) Snip Detail page:
- 04-1-Snipe-Detail.jpg.
Note: The text at the bottom should really say "Conditional Rules" instead of "Conditions Rules", so please apply this in your prototype.
- If user clicks on back arrow at the top he will get back to the view of snip lists he came from.
- When user clicks on (+) icon at the top he will be redirected to create new snip page (06-1-add-snipe-URL.jpg).
- When user clicks on “Customize” link he will see customize popup (04-2-customize-snip-url.jpg):
-- Clicking on X, Cancel, Save or outside the modal window will close it.
- When user clicks on “Edit“ link (the pencil icon) he will be redirected to edit snip view (05-1-Edit-Snipe.jpg):
-- Clicking on “Done“ or “Cancel” at the top will redirect user back to snip detail page.
-- Custom Title Popup (05-2-Custom-Title.jpg) appears when (?) icon is clicked, and clicking on X or outside the modal window will close it.
-- Custom URL Popup (05-3-Custom-URL.jpg) appears when (?) icon is clicked, and clicking on X or outside the modal window will close it.
-- When clicking on “Add Additional Target URL” link user will be redirected to add additional target url (05-4-Additional-Target.jpg):
--- URL Tap View (05-4-Additional-Target.jpg, 06-2-input-text.jpg & 06-3-Security-Warning.jpg).
--- Mail to URL (05-5-Mail-to-URL.jpg). (you can ignore 06-5-mailed-to-URL-warning.jpg)
--- Notes URL (05-6-Notes-URL.jpg). (you can ignore 06-7-notes-URL-warning.jpg)
--- Clicking “Cancel” at the top will redirect user back to Edit Snip view.
- When user clicks on “WWW” tab at the top he will see snip info detail view (04-10-toggle-snipe-info-detail.jpg).
This is for Condition Rules Section at bottom:
- When user clicks on “+ New Rules“ link he will be redirected to add conditional rule view (04-3-add-conditional-rule.jpg):
-- Clicking on cancel at the top will take user back to Snip Detail page.
-- 04-5-date-pick (alternative).jpg is out of scope.
-- Clicking on “Add” at the top will take user back to Snip Detail page.
-- If user clicks on “Add Additional Target URL” he will see Adding an additional target popup (04-7-pop-up-target-url.jpg).
- When user clicks on “Edit“ link (the pencil icon) he will be redirected to edit conditional rule view (04-6-edit-conditional-rule.jpg):
-- Clicking on cancel at the top will take user back to Snip Detail page.
-- 04-5-date-pick (alternative).jpg is out of scope.
-- Clicking on “Save” at the top will take user back to Snip Detail page.
-- If user clicks on “Add Additional Target URL” he will see Adding an additional target popup (04-7-pop-up-target-url.jpg).
- When user clicks on “Delete” link (the X icon) he will be shown delete popup (04-9-confirmation-delete-rule.jpg):
-- Clicking on X, Cancel, Save or outside the modal window will close it.

5) Add Snip page:
- 06-1-add-snipe-URL.jpg.
- Clicking “Cancel” or “Snip It” will take user back to the page it came from (Home page or Snip Detail Page).
-- URL Tap View (06-1-add-snipe-URL.jpg, 06-2-input-text.jpg & 06-3-Security-Warning.jpg).
-- Mail to URL (06-4-mailed-to-URL.jpg).
-- Notes URL (06-6-notes-URL.jpg).
- 06-5-mailed-to-URL-warning.jpg  & 06-7-notes-URL-warning.jpg are out of scope.

Specific HTML/CSS/JavaScript Requirements:
HTML/CSS Requirements:
- Your HTML code must be valid HTML5 and follow best practices
- Validate your code - reviewers may accept minor validation errors, but please comment your reason for any validation errors. Use the validators listed in the scorecard.
- Use CSS to space out objects, not clear/transparent images (GIFs or PNGs) and use proper structural CSS to layout your page. Only use table tags for tables of data/information and not for page layout.
- No inline CSS styles - all styles must be placed in an external style-sheet.
- Use semantically correct tags - use H tags for headers, etc. Use strong and em tags instead of bold and italic tags.
- Element and Attribute names should be in lowercase and use a "-" or camel naming to separate multiple-word classes (i.e.. "main-content", or "mainContent)
- Label all CSS, JavaScript, or HTML hacks with explanations so others will understand.
- Your code must render properly in all browsers listed in the scorecard in both Mac and PC environments.

JavaScript Requirements:
- All JavaScript used must not have any copyrights to any third party. You are encouraged to use your own scripts, or scripts that are free, publicly available and do not have copyright statements or author recognition requirements anywhere in the code.
- You are allowed to use JQuery for this contest.

Browsers Requirements:
- Firefox, Safari & Chrome Mobile Browsers.
- Android Browser.

Documentation Provided:
- Storyboard Screens and PSD files can be found in forums.
Note: The provided screens are for retina display, we need to support both normal and retina displays.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables:
- A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the UI Prototype Competitions Tutorial.


Final Submission:
- For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30048531