IBM Worklight Hybrid Mobile App - Media Library Video and Document Plugins

Key Information

Status: ‌Cancelled failed review

Challenge Overview

We have previously launched two PoC contests:

  • Document Viewer PoC:
  • Video Player PoC:

Now we want to integrate them into our Media Library app on the media details screen:

  • if the media is a supported video (or audio) type (player PoC has an API to determine if the media format is supported or not), user should be able to play it in place like the Video Player PoC
  • if the media is a document, user can click it to open it like the Document Viewer PoC
  • if the media is an image, it should be displayed properly (resize it to fit the display area).

Bug Fix:

  • When rating the media, please add the username/password just like the other modification API (e.g. add comment)
  • After rating the media, the overall rating and number of ratings should be updated based upon the response.
  • User should request media.tag.getByMediaId API to get the tags. Tags should be shown for the media on the featured, popular, and suggested tabs too. 

Note that we will provide you the codebase which can actually work with client's backend REST API. You will need to make some changes to it to use our Mock REST API. You need to clearly document such kind of changes so that it can be easy for us to switch back. Note that the first 2 bugs are actually fixed in provided code, you just need to double check it. 

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverable

  • Updated Source Code
  • Detailed Deployment Guide with Verification Steps


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30048416