Big Blue Mobile Game Cloudvana - Launchers - Obstacles - Shields

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Project Overview


The project is to build a simple, yet fun and addicting game where the goal is to throw "files" across a screen full of obstacles to the safety of the cloud. Players will score points and compete for high scores based on the size of the files that reach the target (i.e. the cloud) safely, which communicates the underlying message that storing data on the cloud is safe.
This challenge will make some refinements to last assembly, enhance data driven model for level configuration and add more launchers/obstacles/shields.

Technology Overview



  • target platform: iOS8+, Swift, SpriteKit, GameKit Game Center, Xcode 6.1
  • Priority is for iPhone 5/5s/5c -- 640x1136 pixel resolution at 326 dpi, auto fit screen for iphone 6(including plus);
  • iPad support is required (auto fit screen)
  • Only Portrait orientation
  • Allows anonymous play, in addition to Apple Game Center

Competition Task Overview


You will need to familiarize yourself with the game and the specification first.
This challenge targets following features:
1. loading screen
    1) while loading, display small / interesting facts about the cloud( e.g. "Your great cloud fact can go here!"), such messages should be configured in a file "messages.pinfo", and select one of them randomly to display, we may also display it when level complete/fail(will be updated in forum later).
    2) display the target of the level "complete XX GB in XX seconds" (XX are in level configure), for font, refer to 2(paused screen) but displayed in one line (zoom out may be required)
2. paused screen
    1) display the target of the level "complete XX GB in XX seconds" (XX are in level configure) as following:
           complete   (same font as "complete" in level complete screen)
            XXX GB     (same font as the score in game scene)
                in          (same font as "complete")
        XXX secs       (same font as the time in game scene, with  secs.png)
    2) add two new icon button, "home" to go to the landing screen and "level" to go to the level selection screen
3. update the app launch icon
4. Update the animation effect when a file hit the Cloud(White)
5. Control of launcher is not fluid enough, we need to change control of launcher to behavior a bit like AngryBirds, the only difference with the bird is that the file loaded is on opposite side of the fixed center. This is one of the critical elements of this challenge.
6. support all the launchers(other launchers don't have to show different images for different strength)
    1) in global configure, min required level for each laucher is configurable.
    2) in launcher section of settings, if the min required level is meet, the launcher is unlocked, and user could select to save.
    3) the launcher in game scene should be the one selected in settings.
7. background image of game scene could be configured (in level configure)
8. add new obstacles: dark cloud, virus, virus 2, water pipe, compressor, splitter, laser, failing hard drive, malware, please notice that with level configure the work of obstales is not as much as it looks like.
9. add shields: antivirus, firewall, waterproof, deepfreeze
Winner is responsable for merging a bug fix(frozen effect of magnet is not stopped in paused screen) of last assembly in final fix

Technical Details


1. Resouce Managment

We will use texture packer ( ) to packer sprite images (except backgrand images).

2. Level Configure Detail

   1) split level configure file, that is, one configure file for each level, e.g. level1.pinfo, level2.pinfo, thus it will be more clear and easy to update.

       File configure:

       probability that each size of file will appear(sum of them is 100)

   2) Cloud configure:
        scale of Cloud should be configurable(e.g. 100 means orignal size, 50 means half size)

        Configure level with two clouds to demonstrate(one is original size, and the other is half size)

   3) Obstacle configure:
       cofigure for following items(don't hard code in sub entity code), implement in ObstacleEntity:

movingAction: (x1, y1, speed1), (x2, y2, speed2), ..., (xN, yN, speedN) missing if not moving, e.g moving from point1 to point2 and back to point1, (x1,y1,speed), (x2,y2,speed), (x1,y1,speed)
dashline: (x1,y1),(x2, y2)...(xN, yN) missing if no dashline

    4) about some special obstacles:

Dark Cloud: "Dark Cloud" and "electric shock" are two different obstacle entity, "electric shock" entity is created by "Dark Cloud" entity, don't create "electric shock" repeatedly, instead, create only one "electric shock" entity instance for a "Dark Cloud" entity instance

Water Pipe: "Pipe" and "Water" are two different obstacle entity, "Water" entity is created by "Pipe" entity, don't create "Water" entity repeatedly for a "Pipe"
            Length of "Water" entity is changed from 0 to N and then back to 0 repeatedly (N is configurable)
            implementation hit: don't scale it, move the Water from the one side to another side and then back, it will be partly hidden by the pipe and screen edge

5) available shields for each level should be configurable

6)  add configure file "obstacles.pinfo"
config entries:
  id (this is the type of obstacle)
  idleAction (texture1, texture2, texture3, ..., textureN)

7)  add configure file "shields.pinfo"
config entries:
  id (this is the type of shield)

8) config level for each new obstacle for verification

9) config level for each shield with two obstacles for verification


General Notice


1. Memory leaks check: There should be no memory leaks for this app. Please use Instrument to check memory leaks, espcialy reset game repeatedly


Final Submission Guidelines

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables


A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at: 

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Working iOS app (including source code) that covers all requriements
  • A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy and verify the application including configuration information.


Final Submission


For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30047528