Module Assembly - TopCoder Competiton Engine - Automatically End Matches

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Project Overview

TopCoder Competition Engine is a system used for Single Round Matches (SRM) and Marathon Matches (MM). 

Competition Task Overview

Currently for SRMs, it is not possible to end automatically. It needs operations from Admin through Admin Tool. See the following description.

Once all phases are over, you may want to run system tests, backup the round, show the results in the Arena, recalculate ratings and add practice rooms. (If some of these steps are not necessary for your test, then just skip them.)

Go back to Admin Tool.

Do Run Contest -> During Contest -> System test. Leave all parameters at default, press “OK”. System test progress can be viewed in Arena. For that press “Leaderboard” (at the left) and check the counter at the top right corner of the window that opens. The counter should show the percentage of system tests completed. Give it some 30 seconds to refresh. If it consistently shows all zeros, then system tests are over.

Once System tests are over, in Admin Tool, do Run Contest -> After Contest -> Backup/Restore -> Create backup copy in order to backup the round. Backups are useful if something goes wrong and needs to be repaired, otherwise you don’t really need them. Check everything except “tchs_algo_rating”, “mm_algo_rating”. Put something for “Comment”, press “OK”. Wait for confirmation message.

Now you can show results in the Arena. Press Run Contest -> After Contest -> End Contest. System test results will start showing in the Arena. This may take a while, especially if there are a lot of competitors. This is finalized with an automatic broadcast message to the Arena.

If you want to recalculate ratings, do Run Contest -> After Contest -> Run Ratings. Check both “Run ratings by division” and “Commit results to database”. Use “TC Rating” for Rating Type.

If you want to create Practice Room with problems of this round, do Run Contest -> After Contest -> Insert Practice Rooms. Name your room and use SRMs for Practice group.

We'd like to automatically do some operations for SRMs if configured. Previously, we have added a new configuration for this purpose, and make it editable through Admin tool.

For this challenge, we'd like to update the logic in main listener, to do the following:

  • If the round is configured to automatically end, after the challenge phase, the system test will be automatically triggered.
  • once the system tests are over, it will trigger the End Contest functionality, which will make the system tests results show in the Arena.

Winner Responsibility

Winner will be responsible to create pull requests for merge, branches will be created in final fix phase.

Arena VM Usage

Before asking your own VM, you need to have a public key on your profile before asking for the VM.

You can find more details on how to generate a key and how to connect using it

Please reference for general usage.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Code changes
  • A complete and detailed documentation documented explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30047211