Google Web app and Site - Support Page Update 2

Key Information

Status: ‌Cancelled requirements infeasible

Challenge Overview

Task Overview

You are provided with a google web app script, it is used as support form. The goal of this challenge is find a solution for hosting this web app in Heroku.

Task Requirements

  • The script is provided in challenge forums.
  • Create a heroku app that host the google web app as web page.
  • The page should have a title "CSFV Support/Report Form"
  • Fix the script to scroll to top of the page when user submit the form.
    • We hosted the script in googlesites, but could not get the form to scroll to top after user submitting a ticket, it is because the content of the loaded script is sandboxes so it cannot control the google site page.
  • Fix the script to hide 'google' warning message about the creator of the script.
    • The message is :This application was created by another user, not by Google.
  • Configurations needed by the script :
    • jiraReporter - represents a Topcoder username
    • emailToAddress - should be valid email address
    • jiraPassword and jiraUsername - you can use your topcoder credentials for this
    • jiraProject - use CSFV
    • jiraServiceEndpoint - use


  • All changed and new files that address the above requirements.
  • Readme file detailing the deployment of your solution.
  • reviewer.txt with any notes to reviewer

Final Submission Guidelines



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30047143