Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Competition Task Overview

SRT is a web application used for management of service requests, it consistst of a cloud app and a local app. The cloud app uses Oracle database in the backend and we'd like to add support for postgresql as well.

In this challenge, we'd like to do the following:

  • Add a new maven profile that supports targeting Postgres (v9.2.4) as database in addition to Oracle for the cloud app (the local app will still use h2). The maven profile for Postgres should trigger the generation of the correct SQL, connection strings, etc.
  • Make sure it's easy to switch between Oracle / Postgres if we need to.
  • Provide new SQL scripts / Hibernate mapping files to support Postgres SQL
  • Properly structure the folders so it's easy to tell which are for Oracle and which are for Postgres SQL
  • Make sure all pages / functions work exactly the same when Postgres SQL / Oracle is used.
  • Provide new deployment guide (with verification details) for Postgres SQL
  • As part of the task you must make sure all existing cloud app code (except for unit tests) are updated to work with Postgres SQL, regardless of whether it's currently being called by frontend or not.


Unit tests are out of scope, you don't need to worry about them.

Technology Overview

  • Java
  • JSP
  • Postgres 9.2.4
  • Maven

Documentation Provided

Existing code will be provided in challenge forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at: 

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Updated code that covers all requirements
  • A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.
  • The maven build script to create the war files.
  • Any other build scripts affected by this must also be updated / properly mantained.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046961