Key Information

Status: ‌Cancelled requirements infeasible

Challenge Overview

Competition Task Overview

In previous challenges we've build the SRT phase 4 code and added Estimates related tabs. We've also implemented data syncing between the cloud app and the local app which provided us a fully working app with offline capability.

While that's done and being used, we're ready to move to the next phase: re-build this app as an HTML5 app so that we no longer need to maintain a cloud app and a client app. We'd like to use the offline support of HTML5 and make it transprent to the users.

There will be 10+ assemblies in this series, so now is a good time to get familiar with the project and be prepared for the next ones!!


The focus of the challenge is to complete the following:

  • Complete SRT4 path (see the SRT process flow.pdf document), this is fully implemented in the code we provided, but now we need it to be HTML5
  • Login, Customers and Profile pages

Documents Provided

  • Code: in the current code we have both a cloud app and a local app, they are funtionally the same but cloud app uses Oracle as database and local app uses a local h2 database. We believe cloud app and the web parts will be the focus in the conversion so start checking there and it might save you some time.
  • Prototype: the provided prototype already has some of the pages converted to HTML5 so that should give you a good example on how to start. However the Estiamtes page and Review pages are still missing from it but we think it should be possible to build these based on our existing app and the other pages already converted to HTML5
  • Architecture: the architecture documents are out of date now but they are still valuable since they illustrates why and how we want to do the conversion. Two key requirements are: HTML5, Offline Capability. So make sure you read the documents to understand the requirements


As we've stated already, HTML5 is the focus of this challenge. The frontend should be static pages using Angular.js, JSP is no longer allowed.

Code Base / Structure

The current code is well structured and we'd like the new HTML5 app to follow similar structure, example: web  / js frontend code should reside in its own folder. Each folder has its own pom.xml file and there's a parent pom.xml at the root folder.

You're free to remove code that's no longer needed for the HTML5 app, for example: local app, run-jetty, etc...

Browser Compatability

Refer to the architecture documents for browser compatability requirements.


This challenge has a reduced review and appeals timeline, make sure you pay attention to this!

Technology Overview

  • Java
  • Oracle
  • Tomcat
  • HTML5
  • AngularJS

Documentation Provided

Register to download documents from challenge forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at: 

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Code that covers the requirements
  • A (NEW) complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information
  • The maven build script to create the war files. Very likely you can reuse the existing one and don't need to modify anything.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046732