Google Web app and Site - Support Page Update 1

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Task Overview

The goal of this challenge is to make couple of updates to an existing google web app and site as outlined below.

Task Requirements

You are addressing the following in this challenge :

  1. If possible, remove the message "This application was created by another user, not by Google.". This warning appear when viewing the web form in google site by other users.
    • A possible solution would be to add 'display:none' to the warning message div after page load.
  2. Add spacing between questions.
  3. Add ability to remove file attachments already added. Add "X" (to cancel) on the right of a file attachment.
  4. Replace error message "This is a required question." with "This is a required field"
    • Note: no need to have a "." at the end of the error messages.
  5. Increase text font in dropdown selection and display.
  6. the dropdown have a scroll up/down icon as well - just need the dropdown (arrow) icon.
  7. Increase the width of the dropdown to show what was selected - it is currently cut off. 
  8. "Upload File" should be after Description (before Due Date).
  9. Require fields "*" should be in red.
  10.  Missing the text at top of form: * indicates required
  11. After hitting "Submit" need to auto-scroll up to show confirmation message
  12. Email error message should be: "Please enter a valid email address"
  13. Priority should include hover over with the following text per priority:
    1. Blocker - Complete loss of service or significant feature unavailable
    2. Critical - Working but severely impacted
    3. Major - Working but some non critical features are unavailable
    4. Minor - Low impact on operations or has a reasonable workaround
    5. Trivial - Good to have with little to no impact
  14. Add "New Ticket" button along with confirmation message.
  15. Send email to the configured email address about any error happened, it should include the step with all request details that failed.
    • The email to send to is configured under 'emailToAddress' key in script properties.
  16. If error happens during the execution, display popup to user with message informing the user about the error, and ask the user to send email to to get help.
  17. Add new field
    • field label : Topcoder Handle
    • field is optional
    • field description : Please enter your topcoder handle to access/track your ticket or signup at
  18. When creating issue via Jira SOAP API :
    • Set the new field's value (Topcoder handle) as reporter.
    • If call failed because of reporter then remove the reporter and resubmit the ticket.
    • If the call failed again, then script should perform what explained in step 16.
  19. After jira ticket successfully created, send email to the user Email Address provided in the support form notifying that user that the issue has been logged, and give the link to the JIRA issue.


  • All source code used to implement the above requirements.
  • Update deployment guide.
    • The deployment guide is little out dated, we are using script properties instead of hardcoding values in the script files.

Source Code

Provided in challenge forums.


Final Submission Guidelines



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046652