Release Assembly - XRE HTML5 DOM Receiver Update

Key Information

Status: ‌Cancelled zero submissions

Challenge Overview

Competition Task Overview

XRE project includes XRE Server and XRE Client on vairous platforms / technologies.

This challenge should update the out of dated XRE HTML5 DOM Receiver. The latest XRE Server supports to XRE Specification 2.14 but XRE HTML5 DOM receiver only support to 1.28.

The XRE HTML5 DOM receiver should be updated to the latest XRE Specification - 2.14.

Please submit change log for all features after 1.28 to indicate how do you fix the code and how to test the new features.


You can run XRE HTML5 DOM receiver in the browser which support HTML5 (e.g. latest Chrome).

There is a deployed XRE Server and the connection url is provided in the code.

You will see some tests after the XRE Receiver starts and connected to the server.

These tests could help you to verify the XRE Receiver.

Technology Overview

  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • XRE

Documentation Provided

  • XRE HTML5 DOM receiver source code
  • XRE Specification

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Source Code
  • Deployment Guide (include Verification Steps)
  • Change Log


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046512