AWS CloudFormation template creation challenge

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to AWS CloudFormation template creation challenge.  We would like you to create the template set of AWS CloudFormation (  The target environment consists of EC2, S3, SQS, RDS etc.

Please look at Arch_for_topcoder.png for the network diagram and “CloudFormation Template settings” for the detailed settings. The template receives parameters which are defined in the document. We need to have a template set to create all of the required resources (stack) at once from the management console.

We provide the template set of our old environment. You may update this or write a new one from scratch. (Please note that the old template does not cover all the requirements in the document)

As you know, you will need to pay some bucks to AWS during the test. We will pay $50 to first five submitters which passed the screening and scores more than 50 point in the review even if it does not win the normal prize.

We are looking forward to your fine quality submission. If you have any questions, ask and get clarification in the forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

- The environment which is created with the template set must be same as the one in the document.

- It might be possible that not all of the settings specified in the document can be defined in the CloudFormation template. In this case, please mention it clearly in README in your submission how to update the settings manually.

- The values constructed dynamically are written in red in the document.

- The stack identifiers are automatically used in “Name” setting. You can ignore it when you compare values.

- The child template names are automatically used in the component name and some settings. You can also ignore it on comparison either.

- Please divide the template into ones of the appropriate size to improve the performance and maintenanceability. It would be better if there is less dependency. (Passing fewer parameters to the sub-stack.  Running sub-stacks in parallel.)

- Do not include the setting values if the value in the document is same as the default value. (We do not like to have redundant settings)

- Use Tokyo (ap-northeast-1) as the instance region.


Submission Deliverables

  1. Templates

  2. README (settings which are not covered by CloudFormation and requires manual settings after the resource created)


Review criteria

- Match the requirements - well tested and no issues

- Easy to maintain the template

- Simpleness

- Proper Dividance

- No redundant definitions

- Less time to launch (well divided templates for concurrency)



2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046311