Challenge Overview

Task Overview

Flowjam game page in production is outdated and has some bugs/errors, and still referencing old static files from the Flowjam minisite. The page is deployed as html on seperate server, it only reference statics files from the flowjam expressjs minisite application.

The goal of this challenge is to build a static HTML page that host Flowjam flash game that does not reference any file from the minisite.

Task Requirements

  • Build static html page that staisfy the following requirements :
    • The theme (look and feel) must match flowjam minisite.
    • Provide functionality for the following : 
      • Drop down logo menu should work - you need to hardcode the URLs
      • Main menu - hard code the urls
      • Login button -
        • It should redirect user to flowjam minisite page, "redirect' property must work.
        • Provide JS functionality that check if user is logged in by validating against /verifySession
        • If user is valid, then retrieve username from flowjam gaming api and update header
      • Register button - It should take user to mainsite registration page
      • Notification headers must work
      • All JS files must be provided as new files in your submission, and it should only include JS code that is related to the functionality in the page.
      • Footer links should be hardcoded
      • Footer subscribe to newsletter must work - you need to check how it works in fowjam minisite and copy the JS functionality
    • You don't need to host the flash file, it can be placeholder
    • Submission structure :
      • FlowJam.html
      • css/ folder contains related css files
      • js/ folder contains related js files
      • images/ folder contains images related files
      • fonts/ folder if needed
      • .. else ?
  • You need to deploy csfv_minisite_frontend_module (branch minisite3) to study the js functionality, and get the js/css/images needed. Include only relative code, don't copy everything.
  • You need to deploy csfv_mainsite_module and csfv_chat_module to test notifications header.
  • You can refer to csfv_gaming_api_module to deploy gaming api and test the endpoint to retrieve user information (i.e.
  • You can make a block javascript in the file header to configure the static (base) urls (i.e. if you want to use localhost for testing, and then change that to in production)
    • You need to test your solution works - especifically the login and notification headers.


Reviewer will test all functionality solution, make sure you tested them locally before submitting.


Submit the folder in the structure outlined above.


Final Submission Guidelines



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30045345