72 hour assembly! Hercules PCDVR Android App - New backend service URL and API changes

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview


The Hercules Personal Content DVR application is a stand-alone Android app, allowing users to upload their own video content they recorded on their phone or tablet camera into their DVR for playback on their TV and syncing with other devices.

This assembly will implement the backend changes for a new server backend URL and some updates to the calls being made.  We also want to quickly identify any gaps in the new API or failing calls.

New backend server:

The new backend server URL is

The new documentation is here:  http://docs-ugc.comcast.net

The changelog is here: http://docs-ugc.comcast.net/changelog.txt

Deprecated API calls

Note that the changelog indicates deprecated calls.  We are going to need to update the backend code to remove all calls to the deprecated endpoints, switching the code over to use the new endpoints documented.

New metadata

The metadata has been slightly modified or added to for some of the elements returned from the server, namely the albums and files.  We need to update the metadata cached in sqlite appropriately.  Please create a new data model version to handle the changes.  This is important because without this new version, upgrades from an old version of the app will break.  Upgrades must be considered
Note that you will need to work to ensure that the file type is detected appropriately using the MIME type now returned.

Failing API calls

If any calls are failing, please report them in the forum and document them in your submission.  They will be considered final fix issues.

Empty data

The data for this new server will be pretty much empty, so you'll need to upload test photos and videos for use.

All functionality

It's important that you test all functionality, including uploading photos and videos, editing photos, renaming photos and videos, moving photos and videos between albums, deleting and restoring photos, albums, and videos, etc...

iOS App

The iOS codebase has these changes implemented now, so that codebase will be provided for reference.

Loading the albums and files

The call to /albums now returns all file information necessary, so we can greatly reduce the initial load complexity on app launch.  This is an assembly requirement.


Final Submission Guidelines

Please see above


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30044538