Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview


Project Overview


This project, the CSFV Community Gaming website project will provide the web site infrastructure and integration of the games. This will be a web site that is available on the Internet, and also will be delivered in a form where the server and the games can be installed and used behind a firewall.

Competition Task Overview

The goal of this challenge is to improve the SEO of the CSFV websites. We've created an SEO implementation document and we are implementing the seo keywords, metadata changes in this challenge.

You will address the following from the provided SEO document for the 5 minisites :

  • Navigation
  • For each page :
    • new title tag
    • new meta description
    • meta keywords
    • headers (the styling should remain as it is after the changes)
    • content
  • Add new pages that don't exist, i.e. privacy policy, faq .. etc, the content of these pages are retrieved from CMS. You should create new CMS post for each game.
  • For dyanmic pages - they are not mentioned in the document but you must address them
    • The title should be retreived from the content title, i.e. news details should read the title from the news cms post title, forums should be the thread title, etc.
    • The description should be pulled from the page content. i.e. news details should read the words that combine a 140 characters (it should be split by words)., for forums it should be 140 characters of first post, etc. Write proper helper method that split the description by words where words plus spaces won't exceed 140 characters.
    • No keywords metadata tag for dynamic pages.
    • You can refer to the csfv_frontend_module mainsite commit#192bae5d260e3d50d22f2c9cd1d724015cc3ead4 for reference how we implemented it for dynamic pages, we have similar pages in minisites.
  • Other sections in the document not mentioned above are OUT OF SCOPE.

Other than what mentioned above, the implementation of the required sections in the document should be striaghtforward, post in the forums if you have questions about specific things in the required sections of the SEO document or how to address it if it is not clear.


Documentation Provided


Documentation and Applications that will be provided to registered members:

  • - the mainsite seo document
  • - the minisites seo document

Github Code

Source code exists in private github repository, if you get 404 when accessing it that means you don't have permission to access it :

Local Deployment

  1. Checkout csfv_test_data_generator
  2. Run "npm install"
  3. Run "node app.js" when done, close the app
  4. Checkout csfv_minisite_frontend_module branch ministie1
  5. Run "npm install"
  6. Update "config/setting-dev.js", some config that you need to set :
    • cluster_workers_num: 1 should be set to 0
    • change to localhost
    • set your email for all occurrences where it needs to set user email address.
    • smtp_service : it uses gmail by default, you need to set smtp_auth_username and smtp_auth_password to proper values for a valid email
    • Others can be left as it is.
  7. Update config.js
    • remove this line cookie: { domain: settings.main.cookieDomain},
  8. run "node app.js"
  9. Repeat steps 4-8 for branches (minisite2, minisite3, minisite4, minisite5) each one should be deployed in separate directory or you can swtich between branches but make sure to commit your fixes for each branch
  10. You can also repeat the same steps 4-8 to deploy csfv_frontend_module

Mapping between minisite branches and names :

  • Circuitbot is minisite1
  • Xylem is minisite2
  • Flowjam is minisite3
  • Ghostmap is minisite4
  • Stormbound is minisite5

Post if the forums if you are having difficulity in deploying the minisites, Copilot will provide you with help

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Patch file of the pages.
  • Text file with any special notes.
  • A complete and detailed deployment document explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2014 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30041806