Hestia War Room Specification Update

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Competition Task Overview

We have been building this application for the last year and need to review, document and update the ARS to map existing and new features.

We recently launched an assembly contest to apply CRC/DPI pricing for hestia war room application. The contest can be found here.

For this challenge, competitors need to update the ARS according to the running application and provide an excel mapping recording to features that are completed. We want to document what in the ARS is complete, not complete and what features are missing from the ARS.

Here are some tips for success!!!

1.  As the application has been changing, it is necessary to go through the existing ARS and match the existing content with the real application.

2.  For new features such as CRC/DPI support, DPI exporting, CRC exporting and etc, add new sections if necessary.

3.  The working application can be found here - see http://ec2-50-16-81-140.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8080/hestia/

normal user: amorehead/WRuser321

admin:  tfoster/WRuser321

4.  A sample excel mapping can be found here.

Technology Overview

  • Java 6
  • Struts 2
  • Oracle
  • LDAP

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

  • Updated Application Requirements Specification document
  • Updated Use Case Diagram(s)
  • Updated Activity Diagrams
  • An excel mapping recording to features that are completed.


2014 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30040475