Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Project Overview

TopCoder and the TopCoder community have worked hard to get the platform to its currently level of maturity, but we're far from done. It's time to take the platform to the next level. TopCoder is going to start taking some steps to open up the platform API to the outside and community developers so they could incorporate it in their websites, applications or build their own applications (web, mobile or desktop).
The ultimate goal is to open up and build an "API" that is targeting all different type of audiences - Software and Studio Competitors, SRM/MM competitors, Copilots, Admins and TopCoder partners - each audience will have different interests and usages of the API, so it will be a huge project and we need to make sure that we are in the right direction from the beginning.

Contest Objective

We developed a Topcoder Platform API Test Framework for this project.

This contest should follow the Test Scenario and use the Topcoder Platform API Test Framework to develop the test suites.

The Test Framework could generate the test suite automaticlly based on JSON Request and Response File (already provided by Test Scenario contest).

So the major task is:

  1. Set Up the Test Environment
    • Request VM in Forum
    • Follow the Deployment Guide to Deploy the Platform API REST Services
    • Once you complete the two steps, you don't need to touch the VM in whole project.
  2. Set Up the Test Framework
    • You can set up the test framework in your local environment
    • Set the API Endpoint and DB Endpoint to your VM.
  3. Write the JSON Request and JSON Response for Each Test
    • You can find them in test scenarios
  4. Generate the JUnit Source File by the Test Framework
  5. Update the JUnit Source Code to prepare the test data in Set Up method and clear the test data in Tear Down method
    • You can do this in Test Suite level, not needed for each test method.
  6. Compare and Run the Test Suites, Verify the Result and Provide Test Report / Log.

API Playground (Don't test against this):

The current implementation is deployed on You can find your user key in "My Dashboard".

Test Type Descriptions

  • Functional Test
  • Failure Test (Verify the Http Response Code, Error Code and Error Message, etc.)


  • JUnit
  • RESTful Service

Final Submission Guidelines



2014 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30036275